Creative Arts Therapy, a mental health safe haven.

Our therapists incorporate the creative arts into traditional therapy which allows people to express themselves in a comfortable and often nonverbal manner providing an avenue for new discovery and insight while uncovering hidden strengths. No art experience necessary! 

Offering therapy* In-person or Tele-therapy.

Our Approach


We are living in challenging times. The therapists at The Creative Arts therapy Center of Denver are here to help.

We offer tele-therapy services with a variety of approaches, hand tailored to an individual’s personal and unique needs. Our therapists are highly trained and skilled at facilitating traditional verbal therapy, as well as utilizing art, movement, and mindfulness as powerful tools of expression that accelerate healing and positive growth. We work with people of all ages and there’s no creative arts experience necessary.

The benefits of treatment may include: lowered anxiety, development of coping skills, stress management, greater self confidence, better relationships and social skills, emotional balance, trauma and grief resolution, and greater self-confidence.


Mission statement

The Creative Arts Therapy Center of Denver is an all-inclusive and safe therapeutic space where one can be empowered through treatment to meet challenges with strength and vigor, achieving health and wellness.

Our Services

hand-drawn armchair icon

Art Therapy

hand-drawn aim target icon

Expressive Therapy


Request a FREE Consultation!

Healing is around the corner! We are happy to talk with you about your needs and about our services to evaluate if we are a good fit!

There are (3) easy ways to request your consultation!

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  1. Complete the form to the right!

  2. Contact us through one of the phone numbers below (call or text).

    Milissa Hicks (720)-593-0775

  3. Send us an email

Visit Us

Located at :

1724 Vine St. Denver, Colorado 80206

(720) 446- 9089